Our Grief and Bereavement Support Services
No two people grieve the death of their loved one in the same way. Knowing this, Gallagher Hospice provides to you and your loved ones different grief and bereavement support services. You may choose to use all of them, a few of them, or none of them. The important thing for you to know is that services are there if you choose to use them.
- Grief is not a weakness.
- The path to healing is a challenge. Utilizing your family, friends, and spiritual support are a few of the
ways to help you work towards peace.
Gallagher Hospice offers resources to aid in your journey. There is no charge for these follow up services.
Follow Up Phone Calls
In order to offer support during your grief journey, one of our team members may call you.
Support Groups
This is a way for people to connect with others having similar experiences, such as the death of a loved one. These are confidential and non-judgmental groups.
The hospice counselor, who has extensive knowledge in grief and grief responses, will facilitate the conversation.
You will receive announcements about the group time and place.
Educational Newsletter
You will receive newsletters with brief articles on grief and grief responses, along with suggestions on coping.
Individual Counseling
At times, the idea of a support group can be overwhelming when the bereaved has many issues to deal with surrounding the death of their loved one.
The bereavement counselor will meet with the bereaved on an individual basis for education and support as well as to identify ways of coping with the loss. Emotional support will be an important part of your individualized grief counseling.